香港流動資源論壇's Archiver

Derek 發表於 2013-11-7 00:02


Sony宣佈推出獨家應用程式Privilege Movies尊尚影院,讓Xperia™用戶下載荷里活猛片,極致提昇流動娛樂享受。由即日至2013年12月31日期間,Xperia™Z1、Xperia™ Z Ultra或Xperia™ Tablet Z的用戶下載Privilege Movies尊尚影院,可專享6套電影之免費下載,好戲隨身,獨家體驗特大全高清屏幕娛樂震撼!


Privilege Movies尊尚影院 免費下載6套荷里活猛片

Xperia™ Privilege尊尚會為Xperia™產品之獨家應用程式,定期為用戶提供不同的最新優惠;由即日至2013年12月31日,Xperia™Z1、Xperia™ Z Ultra或Xperia™ Tablet Z的用戶只需在智能手機內開啟預載的Xperia™ Privilege尊尚會,根據指示登記後便可取得贈券代碼,其後連結到Google Play下載Privilege Movies尊尚影院,輸入贈券代碼即可選擇及免費下載其中6套電影,其中之《極樂帝國2154》1更優先在DVD版本推出前供Xperia™用戶率先下載,讓用戶可隨時隨地透過Xperia™產品的全高清大屏幕欣賞好戲,更支援以MHL或Wi-Fi Miracast輸出畫面至大電視與親友一同觀賞,進一步優化智能互聯生活體驗!

Xperia™ Privilege電影(支援繁體中文字幕):


Devil 發表於 2013-11-7 22:45


Derek 發表於 2013-12-17 20:36

Elysium now available for free through Xperia Privilege app
by XB on 14/12/2013
ElysiumIf you were one of those that recently bought a Sony Xperia Z1, Xperia Z Ultra or Xperia Tablet Z and took advantage of five free movies back in early October, then you’ll be glad to know that the promised sixth movie, Elysium, is now available to download free of charge through the Xperia Privilege app.

If you go to the app, you will be given a code that can be redeemed on the Sony Entertainment Network. Once redeemed, the film will show in your ‘Movies’ app via Sony’s Video Unlimited service. This particular promotion is only available in the United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Germany, France and Italy. It will be live from today until 31 January 2014. We’ve included a trailer of Elysium below, to see if it’s your type of film. [read more…]


Devil 發表於 2013-12-18 23:05


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