香港流動資源論壇's Archiver

老虎咖 發表於 2009-7-30 09:39



指下載速度不及聲稱一半 CSL擬興訟反擊[/b]
(明報)2009年7月30日 星期四 05:05

【明報專訊】香港流動通訊有限公司(CSL)今年3月推出宣稱「全球最快、覆蓋最廣」的Next G流動寬頻,提供最高每秒21M的下載速度,其競爭對手數碼通(SmarTone)昨日測試,發現其下載速度每秒只有1.4M至3.9M,質疑CSL有誤導消費者之嫌,已去信電訊管理局    、廣管局    和消委會    投訴。



數碼通邀請傳媒昨午12時至1時半到中環    、灣仔和數碼港,利用speed.kccw.net測試CSL 21Mbps流動寬頻速度,全部地點均在戶外。結果發現3個地點的下載速度每秒只有1.4M至3.9M,遠低於CSL宣稱最高每秒21M的下載速度。

聲稱21Mbps 數碼通﹕測試僅達7Mbps


現時數碼通提供3.6Mbps及7.2Mbps的流動寬頻服務,他承認,公司提供的服務亦未能達至百分百水平,因為無線寬頻傳送易受外界影響,但聲言數碼通的網絡表現達聲稱速度的70%至80%,是可以接受的水平,「他們(CSL)連一半都沒有,很難令人接受 」。


數碼通科技總裁鄒金根指出,流動寬頻速度未如理想,主要受網絡、發射站和接收裝置3方面影響。他表示,CSL「寬頻手指」現時採用的Qualcum 晶片確有條件做到21Mbps速度,但其使用的軟件是早兩代的舊版本,正常情况下根本不能做到21Mbps ,而且穩定性和溫度亦要再作調校,實際上仍未正式作commercial release(商業零售)。

電訊管理局及廣播事務管理局    發言人昨表示,現正調查有關投訴。

Derek 發表於 2009-7-30 11:36




Derek 發表於 2009-7-30 11:43


【on.cc專訊】 CSL發出聲明,就數碼通(00315)指CSL所銷售的21mb無線寬頻服務名不副實作出反駁,強調早前所進行的獨立測試顯示,CSL無線寬頻的整體數碼速度,較本港其他網絡高出兩至三倍,而CSL亦就數碼通所作言論,保留採取法津行動的權利。


:1001: :1001: :1001:

CSL’s refutes Smartone’s inaccurate claims

Hong Kong, 29 July 2009 – Hong Kong’s leading mobile operator, CSL Limited, (CSL) responded to allegations made against it by Smartone at a press briefing conducted today.

Independent scientific and extensive tests conducted this year on all mobile broadband networks in Hong Kong supported all of CSL’s Next G advertising claims including that CSL's Next G is typically 2-3 times faster than other mobile broadband networks.  On 30 March CSL deployed Next G in Hong Kong and that network is the fastest all IP commercial broadband network in the world.  

The award winning[1] Next G network when coupled with our 21Mbps USB modem delivers an unprecedented mobile broadband customer experience.  The USB modem is powered by a QUALCOMM 21Mbps chipset currently only available to two companies in the world :  CSL and its parent Telstra Corporation of Australia.  This is a testament to the view long held by many of our industries leading figures that Hong Kong is a market where new technologies are demanded by a tech savvy and progressive population.

CSL's Head of Regulatory and Corporate Affairs Mr David Aitken said " The question that needs to be asked of other mobile operators is 'how fast is your network all over Hong Kong?', not just a few sites in the golden bowl, but all over the Hong Kong territory. Any testing of mobile broadband speeds needs to be across all operators and queried for thoroughness, methodology and independence – self serving internal testing of only a few sites is obviously unreliable.  Independent testing has proven that CSL’s mobile broadband network is typically 2-3 times faster than other networks, and has greater coverage.“

Mr Aitken also said " Smartone did not invest the $500m required for a 4G spectrum licence, are they prepared to invest the money required to build a network comparable to NextG? Smartone’s behavior reminds me of the chinese proverb 己所不能  勿阻人為之 'those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those doing it.'"

CSL is presently considering its legal options regarding the statements made by Smartone.

[1] On 17 June 2009 CSL won the coveted National Mobile Services Award for Mobile Network Infrastructure  at the GTB Innovations Awards from Global Telecoms Business in London.

cct1978 發表於 2009-7-30 23:18


Derek 發表於 2009-7-31 00:00

明報即刻做Test,SMV自已都唔見得好喇,佢憑乜鬧人? xdxd


本報記者昨到灣仔、柴灣兩間電訊商的門市測試,發現CSL的Next G服務計劃(21Mbps),的確未能達到理想水準,但CSL與數碼通在較低速度計劃則勝負難分。有專家表示,不同測試可以因為環境因素相差極大,結果極不穩定。




cct1978 發表於 2009-7-31 13:43


咁洗唔洗拿desktop 去test

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